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Dashboard display on website

It is possible to add a dashboard to the website showing the data in a predefined way.
A possible look on the website is shown in the picture below:
The steps to be taken to create and activate the dashboard on the web are described below:

In short, how to display a dashboard on the website:

  • Create Dashboard (in desktop version).
  • Create or edit Page (in the web version).
  • Drag the Default component Dashboard to the page.
  • Select the wanted dashboard (which was created in the desktop version).
  • Link a web layout to the page.
  • Optional: In the menu, add a link to the dashboard page.

Full instruction:

  • Create a dashboard in the desktop version of BioloMICS. For instructions see Dashboard (desktop manual).
  • Create a page (or use an existing page) and drag the Default component called Dashboad to the page area.

  • Click on the Dashboard in the Page area to see the properties on the right:

  • In the General settings :
  • Selected dashboard: Select here the dashboard that was created in the desktop version of BioloMICS
  • Size: Set the width in percentage and height in pixels.

  • In the Global settings :
  • Link the associated web layout
  • Possible next step is to add the page to the Menu to allow the user to easily navigate to the Dashboard page.