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Link to see more details about target record

When there is a link to another table, it is possible to activate the link to see more details regarding the linked record.
In this example there are 3 linked records for BIO 1355. For details on how to display them in the display, see Show linked records besides or below each other.
Here we explain how to add the link for each of the linked records (SABG, CMA and TPA).
The link can go to a page that shows the details about this target record in the Media table here.
The steps to follow are:
  • Create a display for the target table (Media).
  • Create a page and put the display on the page. Also link the right layout to the page.
To add the link for each target record, use the following code:
                @foreach(var growthmedia in @Model.Rlink257) {
                     <p><a href="https://WEBSITENAME/PAGENAME/@growthmedia.Id" target="_blank"> @growthmedia.Name</a></p>
Extra explanation on the code:
  • <a href=""> tells the what should be displayed when clicking on the link.
  • target="_blank" opens the new data in a new page.
The result looks like:
and when clicking on the SABG for example, a new page is opened showing the information I added to the Media display template.
The code placed in a table:
<table class="table">
                @foreach(var growthmedia in @Model.Rlink257) {
                     <p><a href="https://WEBSITENAME/PAGENAME/@growthmedia.Id" target="_blank"> @growthmedia.Name</a></p>