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Show linked records besides or below each other

These two examples show the linked records of a given (main) record.
In BIO 1355 there are here 3 linked records for the link field Growth media: SABG, CMA and TPA.
To show those linked records in a razor display on the web, they can be shown besides each other or below.
  • To show the linked record besides each other, use <span> and </span>:
                @foreach(var growthmedia in @Model.Rlink257) {
The result looks like:
  • To show the linked record below each other, use <p> and </p>:
                @foreach(var growthmedia in @Model.Rlink257) {
The result looks like:
The code placed in a table:
<table class="table">
            @foreach(var growthmedia in @Model.Rlink257) {