Create a new database Create a new database with a specific format. More...
Delete selected database Remove selected database from the server. For administrators only. More...
Database properties:
Edit users of the current database Add, modify or delete users profile. More...
Edit groups of current database Add, modify or delete groups of the current database. More...
Edit tables of current database Change table settings of current database. Add, modify and remove tables and their properties. More...
Edit fields Add, modify, remove or change the properties of fields of the current database. More...
Display database schema Show a graphic representation of the current database structure: tables, fields and their relations. More...
Maintenance & Tools
Check database structure Check tables, fields and internal consistency of current database. More...
Convert to MongoDB Convert a MySql database into a MongoDB database.
Convert to Sql Server Convert a MySql database into an MS Sql Server database.
Export tables structure Export BioloMICS tables and associated fields to XML to import them in another BioloMICS database. More...
Import tables structure from another database Import BioloMICS tables and associated fields from another BioloMICS database. More...
Change WorldID of the current database The World ID of the database is its unique identifier. Changing it might be needed in case of manual duplication of the database.
Trigger management Change triggers included in BioloMICS (reserved to BioloMICS developers).
Configure finders Open the properties of the external C++ finders. Used for the activation of the Global search.
Unlock configuration During modifications, the configuration tables and records may be temporary locked. After a computer crash or a network shutdown, some records may remain locked forever, as BioloMICS could not unlock them. To unlock all records, click this button.
Duplicate database Duplicate the current database.