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Global options Card view

Click on a given item in the template area to see the properties panel on the right.

Global options: Settings for the current template.
  • Show empty fields: If checked, all the fields that have an empty value will be shown for a given records.
  • Show record name: If checked, the record name is displayed.
  • Show record id: If checked, the record id is displayed.
  • Use summary as title: If checked, summary field will be displayed as title. Summary is set on table level (table settings)
  • Header visibility: Define the visibility and the location of the header: Top, Bottom, Hidden.
  • Auto load: If checked, the summary grid will be initialized with data.
  • Enable lazy loading: If checked, lazy loading will be enabled which means that if users don't scroll all the way down, records placed at the bottom of the summary won't be loaded
  • Items per page: The number of records in the summary grid, the default value is 10.
  • Visible items count: The maximum number of records displayed in the summary grid, if this value if inferior than the number of items per page, a vertical scroll will be shown on the grid, the default value is 100.
  • First page label: Give a name to the first page.
  • Items per page label: Name of the "Items per page label" that can be modified.
  • Last page label: Give a name to the last page.
  • Next page label: Give a name to the arrow that will send the users to the next page.
  • Previous page label: Give a name to the arrow that will send the users to the previous page.
  • Enable scroll in paginator: If enabled, a scrollbar for the paginator will be displayed.
  • Enable filtering: If checked, the user will be able to use query filters in this summary template.
  • System query template: Select the query template to be used for doing queries in this template.
  • Load owner record(s): If checked, the user can see his own record(s) even though he does not have the needed rights.
  • Enable cart: If checked, the cart option will be enabled for this template.
  • Define Cart button color.
  • Can delete: If checked, the delete button will be visible only for the users that have the rights to delete the record.
  • Define Delete button color.
  • Editible: If checked, the edit button will be visible only for the users that have the rights to modify the columns.
  • Define Edit button color.
  • Form template: Select the template that will be used for the edition of the selected record.
  • Details column: If checked, the details of the columns will be available.
  • Define Details button color.
  • Details mode: Select one of the display pages created that will be used when the user clicks on the information button.
  • Details template name: Select one of the display pages created that will be used when the user clicks on the information button.
  • Display field to display in the header: Choose field to display in the header.
  • Template name: The template name saved in the database.
  • Description: The template description saved in the database.
  • Title: The summary grid name saved in the database and displayed to the user.
  • Enable sorting: If checked, the data can be sorted in a specific way.
  • Sort records by: Select the field to sort on.
  • Default sorting: None, Ascending, Descending. Select the default sorting for the card template.
    Card padding
  • Padding top: This property allows to define the space between the content and the top of the card.
  • Padding bottom: This property allows to define the space below the content.
  • Padding left: This property allows to define the space on the left side of the content.
  • Padding right: This property allows to define the space on the right side of the content.
    Card styles
  • Card background color: Use the color picker to select the wanted color for the background of the card.
  • Card font color: Use the color picker to select the wanted color for the font on the card.
  • Display border style:
  • Card border style: Define the border style of the card box.
  • Define Card border color.
  • Card border size in px: This property allows to define the border thickness.
  • Display border Radius: If checked, the box of the card will be displayed with rounded corners.
  • Card border radius in %: Default is 5.
  • Display border shadow: If checked, the card will have a box shadow around it.
    Card size
  • Card width: Percent or Pixels.
  • Width in pixels/percent: This property allows to define the width in pixels/percentage of the box of the card.
  • Card height in pixels: This property allows to define the height in pixels of the box of the card.
    Label options
  • Show icon: If checked, the icons of the left grid will be available on the website.
  • Label on top: Displays the label on top of the field.
  • Label max width: The maximum width of the label when it is placed on the lieft side.
    Label styles
  • Bold: If checked, all the labels in the template will be bold.
  • Italic: If checked, all the labels in the template will be in italic.
  • Underline: If checked, all the labels in the template will be underlined..