The applications section allows to manage external applications for web services.
When the application item has been created the
Webservice view can be created.
User profile and more
Select from:
Go back to site: Will open the actual website.
User profile: Place to update the details of the user. The look is managed by the curator of the website and is explain in sub chapter User Registration.
Change password: Allows the user to change the password by giving first the current password and then 2 times the new password.
Help: The BioloMICS manual will be opened.
About: Information about the application, web service and database version.
Logout: Log out from the website. The login screen will appear after logging out.
Add new application
Create a new application. Provide the requested information and click on OK.
External application name: Enter a name for this application.
Secret key: Enter a secret key for this application (and confirm it).
Secret key expiration date: The date till this application is active. If no date is filled then it is endless.
Enabled: If enabled, your application will have access to the web service using the underlying client credentials.
When the template is created, browse to the webservice on the web:
For more details on how to use the webservice on the web go to the chapter Web service.
Search application name
Search for a given application name. Click on the X icon to display the full list of applications again.
Please note that this example is based on the pages management, but it is identical to the news management.
Edit application
Edit the current application.
Update the External application name or switch the enabled option.
Delete application
Delete the current application. A confirmation is needed.
Edit secret key
Update the current secret key of the application by providing the current one first and then 2 times the new key.
Page settings
Items per page: Select the number of displayed items per page. Choose from 5, 10, 25 or 100.
Items displayed: Indicates which applications are currently displayed in the list.
Page navigator: Navigate to the first, previous, next or last page.