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Order items through the cart (user)

When the cart has been activated, items can be ordered.
For instructions on how to setup the cart activation, see Activate cart (admin).
  • Perform a search and add the wanted items to the cart by clicking on the Cart icon.
  • The item will be added to the cart, and when all items are included, click on the Confirm button to go to the cart-wizard/checkout.
  • The first step of the wizard is showing the User information (logged in user).
  • The user information can be updated from here (if the user form was selected in the general settings, see here)
    Click next to go to the next step.
  • In step 2 the Shipping details can be entered.
  • If the details were entered before then they can be retrieved again by clicking on the "Select existing address"-icon at the top left.
  • Check the box "Use the same address for billing" to skip the next step and to go directly to the last step of the wizard.

    Click next to go to the next step.
  • Step 3 the Billing details can be entered. Only shown if checkbox in previous step was not checked.
  • The last step of the wizard is showing a summary of all the details regarding the order.
  • An email is set to the person ordering as well as to the managers.
  • An example of the email sent to the person ordering:
    *The text is entered in the General settings - Cart- Mail.
  • An example of the email sent to the managers:
    *The text is entered in the Order template - properties - Mail.
    **Note that a trigger is activated to calculate the discount depending on the user groups of the user ordering. See Trigger for discount on orders for more information