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BioloMICS Web Menu


Cart tab
  • Enable sales in website If checked then items in the database can be sold from the website.
  • Can edit user profile If checked then the user ordering is able to update his/her own profile during the checkout. Select the form template based on the Userlist table. If no template is available yet then first create the Form template on the Userlist table.
  • Can use same address If checked, users can use the same address for billing and shipping.
  • Show grand total The total price, of all ordered items in the cart, will be displayed.
  • Bill form template for cart Select the form template which contains the fields for billing information. If no template is available yet then first create the Form template on the Addresses table.
  • Bill display template for cart Select the display template which contains the fields for billing information. If no template is available yet then first create the Display template on the Addresses table.
  • Ship form template for cart Select the form template which contains the fields for shipping information. If no template is available yet then first create the Form template on the Addresses table.
  • Ship display template for cart Select the display template which contains the fields for shipping information. If no template is available yet then first create the Display template on the Addresses table.
  • Order form template for cart In the cart checkout, a form can be integrated as an additional step to provide extra information to the order.
  • Monetary unit Define the monetary unit that will be used for the website.
  • Order button caption The text that will be displayed on the button in the checkout, to complete the order.
Mail tab
  • Mail subject Define the subject of the email that will be sent, after doing a deposit, to administrators and user ordering.
    An example of the Mail subject:
Thank you for ordering BIO Strains (@Model.OrderNumber)

Click on the Compile button to save it.
  • Mail body Define the email body to send to administrators and customers after doing a deposit.
    Type CTRL + space or @ to show suggestions.
    @Model.FirstName is to get the first name of the user and @Model.LastName is to get the last name of the user.
    Consider compiling before saving your changes by clicking on the gavel button.
    Only successfully compiled code will be saved after clicking the save button.
    If a compilation error occurred, the last successfully compiled code will be saved.
    An example of the Mail body:
<p>Dear:  @Model.FirstName   @Model.LastName ,</p>
            <p>Many thanks for your order (@Model.OrderNumber).</p>
            <p>Our sales department will contact you soon.</p>
            <p>Best regards,<br> BioAware team</p>
Click on the Compile button to save it.