Field properties in order form
In the Properties, General options of the field
Show tooltip If checked, the tooltip will be visible to the end user.
Show hint text If checked, the hint text will be visible to the end user.
Mandatory Indicates if the field is required.
For text fields, extra properties are available:
Efield text content type The text type for the EField: email, password, VAT number, country, text area, free text, text with mask, text with mattern, phone number, address.
Show place holder If checked, the placeholder will be visible to the end user.For link fields, extra properties are available:
Maximum linked record The maximum number of linked records, if no information insertied in this field or if equal to 0 there will be no limit for the number of links.
Can add existing If checked, the users will be able to add existing target records.
Can add new If checked, the users will be able to create new target records.
Target deposit form The template used to edit the details of the linked records.
Target form opened If checked, the form used to add target record is opened by default.
Can remove link If checked, the users will be able to remove target records.
Can edit link If checked, the users will be able to edit the target records.
Target deposit form The template used to edit the details of the linked records.
Display record details Display selected record details if the display template is given.
Target display template The template used to display the details of the linked records.
Autocomplete -
Filter template The query template used as a filter for the auto-completion.
Search term minimum length The minimum number of characters to type to trigger the auto-completion search.
Search operation The operation type used for the auto-completion search.
Field used for result The field used to display the auto-completion search result.
Load owner record If checked, the user can see his own record(s) even though he does not have the needed rights.