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Editing lanes

For obtaining the best results, make sure that the detected lanes are at the same place as the actual migration patterns (see picture below).
When a migration lane is not straight, press the Shift key and bend the lane using the mouse (drag either at the top, middle or bottom of the selected lane).
The position of each detected lane can be manually adapted. Right-click on a selected lane to change its properties.
Editing lanes

Add new lane button

1. Add new lane button
Add a new lane.

Delete selected lane button

2. Delete selected lane button
Delete selected lane.

Delete all lanes button

3. Delete all lanes button
Delete all lanes.

Top align  lanes on selected lane button

4. Top align  lanes on selected lane button
Align the top of all lanes to the level of the selected lane.

Top/height align lanes on selected lane button

5. Top/height align lanes on selected lane button
Align top and height of all lanes to the selected lane.

Increase all lanes width button

6. Increase all lanes width button
Increase all lanes width by adding 5 pixels.

Decrease all lanes width button

7. Decrease all lanes width button
Decrease all lanes width by removing 5 pixels.

Make lane width equal button

8. Make lane width equal button
Make the width of all lanes equal.

Make lane spacing equal button

9. Make lane spacing equal button
Make the lane spacing between all lanes equal.

Shift all lanes to left button

10. Shift all lanes to left button
Move all lanes 5 pixels to left.

Shift all lanes to right button

11. Shift all lanes to right button
Move all lanes 5 pixels to right.

Show warping result button

12. Show warping result button
Warping results of selected lane will be shown in a panel on the right of the gel.

Same warping as selected lane for all lanes button

13. Same warping as selected lane for all lanes button
Make all lanes warping the same as the selected lane.

Reset warping of selected lane button

14. Reset warping of selected lane button
Reset warping result of the selected lane.

Reset warping for all lanes button

15. Reset warping for all lanes button
Reset warping for all lanes.

Choose color button

16. Choose color button
To set the color of the lanes.

Automatic lane detection button

17. Automatic lane detection button
Find all lanes using the automatic lane detection method.

Make all lanes color as selected lane color button

18. Make all lanes color as selected lane color button
All lanes will get the same color as the current color of the selected lane.