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Band detection (step 4)

Movie BioloMICS: Gel electrophoresis, from 1.35 min.
Band detection (step 4)
  • To retrieve bands automatically, set the available parameters to improve the results of the band detection and click on Find all bands, in the Apply group.
  • Bands can be added or deleted from the ribbon as well as via the right-click on the selected lane in the gel.
  • To move a band, select it and drag it either up or down.
  • To perform new band detection each time a lane is selected, use right-click and select Automatic detection when selecting lanes.
  • Right-click on the selected band > Choose color
  • Make sure that the reference lanes do have the exact same number of bands. And no bands may be detected either below the lowest reference band or above the highest reference band. This is crucial for the calculation of the molecular weights.
  • When all bands are detected correctly, click Next, in the Apply group, to go to the next step. Press the Previous button to go back to step 3.


1. Smoothing
To limit or increase the sensitivity.
Available smoothing options are:
  • No smoothing
  • Normal smoothing
  • Strong smoothing
The best smoothing (as well as other parameters) to use will depends on the gel conditions.


2. Algorithms
Available algorithms are:
  • Default band finder
  • Gauss curve fitting
  • Lorentz curve fitting
  • Modified asymmetric pseudo-Voigt curve fitting
  • Parabolic curve fitting
  • Top points
The best algorithm (as well as other parameters) to use will depends on the gel conditions.

Peaks toolbar

3. Peaks toolbar
To limit or increase the sensitivity.
NB. Peak detection is only available for algorithm 'Default band finder'.

Bands toolbar

4. Bands toolbar
The number of pixels that the width of a band must have.

Band tools toolbar

5. Band tools toolbar
To manually add or delete one or all bands.

Find all bands

6. Find all bands
Find all bands.


7. Navigate
Once all bands are detected correctly and in the right position, click Next, in the Apply group, to go to the next step. Press the Previous button to go back to step 3.