E - Edition of data

Select the record(s) to be edited in the BioSheet on the left side of the window.
Select the E field to be edited in the tree on the right side of the window.
There are four different subtypes to choose from when creating an E field:
Text Click once on the field's Values column to edit and enter the new value.
Textual data can also be edited directly from the BioSheet on the left side of the window. Data are saved automatically.
If keywords were previously added, right-click to obtain keywords suggestions, as well as pressing the Ctrl or Shift key together with the arrow down key.To add new text to the dictionary, right-click and select Add to dictionary.
Note that several records (multiple selection) can be edited at the same time for a given field. Also, several fields having the exact same properties can be edited at the same time using the multiple field selection feature.
Click Ctrl + Z to undo the last change; Click Ctrl + Y for redo.