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Set reference lane (step 5)

Movie BioloMICS: Gel electrophoresis, from 3.08 min.
  • Enter the molecular weights of the bands in the reference lanes (top-right of window).
  • Press the Ctrl-key and select all reference lanes.
  • Click Next, in the Navigate group, to go to the next step. Click Previous, to go back to step 4.
Set reference lane (step 5)

Molecular weight

1. Molecular weightList of the molecular weights of the bands in the reference lane(s)

Enter molecular weight

2. Enter molecular weight
Enter here the molecular weights and click then Add.

Add button

3. Add button
Add molecular weight to the reference lane list.

Add band button

4. Add band button
Click here to open the "Add a band" section.

Delete band button

5. Delete band button
Delete the selected band from the reference lane list.

Load button

6. Load button
Load a previously saved reference lane list.

Save button

7. Save button
Save current reference lane list.