Add new table to a database
Only administrators and super-administrators can add a table to a database.
Click on File to go to the backstage section, select Database and click Edit tables of current database.
There are three ways to add a table:
Add a new empty table Click Add button.
Duplicate selected table Click More button and select Duplicate selected table.
Add preformatted table Click More button, select Add preformatted tables and choose from the available options.
To delete a table from the list, select it and click Delete.
To show the fields of a table, select the wanted table from the list and click on Edit fields.
Note that a number of tables that are always present in each BioloMICS database can be used to store relevant data: user_list_, files_, orders_, lims_dnaextracts_, lims_microplates_, lims_pcr_, lims_primers_, lims_sequencing_.These tables are always ending with an underscore (_) meaning that no one can delete or remove structural fields from these tables. Additional fields can, however, be added to structural tables.A few more tables are also present in any BioloMICS based databases but are not visible or updatable by any end user or administrator: connection_list, field_list, group_list, history, log_list, table_list, webpages, websites.To remove the structural tables from the list, click More and select Hide BioloMICS structural tables.
To assign no rights on the selected table(s) for any of the groups, click More and select Limit record privileges on selected tables.
To assign full rights on the selected table(s) to all of the groups, click More and select Reset privileges on selected tables.
NB: Be aware that the following names cannot be used as table name, since they are reserved in MySQL:
"accessible", "account", "action", "add", "after", "against", "aggregate", "algorithm", "all", "alter", "always", "analyse", "analyze", "and", "any", "as", "asc", "ascii", "asensitive", "at", "auto_increment",
"autoextend_size", "avg", "avg_row_length", "backup", "before", "begin", "between", "bigint", "binary", "binlog", "bit", "blob", "block", "bool", "boolean", "both", "btree", "by", "byte", "cache", "call", "cascade",
"cascaded", "case", "catalog_name", "chain", "change", "changed", "channel", "char", "character", "charset", "check", "checksum", "cipher", "class_origin", "client", "close", "coalesce", "code", "collate",
"collation", "column", "column_format", "column_name", "columns", "comment", "commit", "committed", "compact", "completion", "compressed", "compression", "concurrent", "condition", "connection",
"consistent", "constraint", "constraint_catalog", "constraint_name", "constraint_schema", "contains", "context", "continue", "convert", "cpu", "create", "cross", "cube", "current", "current_date", "current_time",
"current_timestamp", "current_user", "cursor", "cursor_name", "data", "database", "databases", "datafile", "date", "datetime", "day", "day_hour", "day_microsecond", "day_minute", "day_second", "deallocate",
"dec", "decimal", "declare", "default", "default_auth", "definer", "delay_key_write", "delayed", "delete", "des_key_file", "desc", "describe", "deterministic", "diagnostics", "directory", "disable", "discard", "disk",
"distinct", "distinctrow", "div", "do", "double", "drop", "dual", "dumpfile", "duplicate", "dynamic", "each", "else", "elseif", "enable", "enclosed", "encryption", "end", "ends", "engine", "engines", "enum", "error",
"errors", "escape", "escaped", "event", "events", "every", "exchange", "execute", "exists", "exit", "expansion", "expire", "explain", "export", "extended", "extent_size", "false", "fast", "faults", "fetch", "fields",
"file", "file_block_size", "filter", "first", "fixed", "float", "float4",
"float8", "flush", "follows", "for", "force", "foreign", "format", "found", "from", "full", "fulltext", "function", "general", "generated", "geometry", "geometrycollection", "get", "get_format", "global",
"grant", "grants", "group", "group_replication", "handler", "hash", "having", "help", "high_priority", "host", "hosts", "hour", "hour_microsecond", "hour_minute", "hour_second", "identified", "if", "ignore",
"ignore_server_ids", "import", "in", "index", "indexes", "infile", "initial_size", "inner", "inout", "insensitive", "insert", "insert_method", "install", "instance", "int", "int1", "int2", "int3",
"int4","int8", "integer", "interval", "into", "invoker", "io", "io_after_gtids", "io_before_gtids", "io_thread", "ipc", "is", "isolation", "issuer", "iterate", "join", "json", "key", "key_block_size", "keys", "kill", "language", "last",
"leading", "leave", "leaves", "left", "less", "level", "like", "limit", "linear", "lines", "linestring", "list", "load", "local", "localtime", "localtimestamp", "lock", "locks", "logfile", "logs", "long", "longblob", "longtext",
"loop", "low_priority", "master", "master_auto_position", "master_bind", "master_connect_retry", "master_delay", "master_heartbeat_period", "master_host", "master_log_file", "master_log_pos",
"master_password", "master_port", "master_retry_count", "master_server_id", "master_ssl", "master_ssl_ca", "master_ssl_capath", "master_ssl_cert", "master_ssl_cipher", "master_ssl_crl", "master_ssl_crlpath",
"master_ssl_key", "master_ssl_verify_server_cert", "master_tls_version", "master_user", "match", "max_connections_per_hour", "max_queries_per_hour", "max_rows", "max_size", "max_statement_time",
"max_updates_per_hour", "max_user_connections", "maxvalue", "medium", "mediumblob", "mediumint", "mediumtext", "memory", "merge", "message_text", "microsecond", "middleint", "migrate", "min_rows",
"minute", "minute_microsecond", "minute_second", "mod", "mode", "modifies", "modify", "month", "multilinestring", "multipoint", "multipolygon", "mutex", "mysql_errno", "name", "names", "national", "natural",
"nchar", "ndb", "ndbcluster", "never", "new", "next", "no", "no_wait", "no_write_to_binlog", "nodegroup", "nonblocking", "none", "not", "null", "number", "numeric", "nvarchar", "offset", "old_password", "on",
"one", "only", "open", "optimize", "optimizer_costs", "option", "optionally", "options", "or", "order", "out", "outer", "outfile", "owner", "pack_keys", "page", "parse_gcol_expr", "parser", "partial", "partition",
"partitioning", "partitions", "password", "phase", "plugin", "plugin_dir", "plugins", "point", "polygon", "port", "precedes", "precision", "prepare", "preserve", "prev", "primary", "privileges", "procedure", "processlist",
"profile", "profiles", "proxy", "purge", "quarter", "query", "quick", "range", "read", "read_only", "read_write", "reads", "real", "rebuild", "recover", "redo_buffer_size", "redofile", "redundant", "references", "regexp",
"relay", "relay_log_file", "relay_log_pos", "relay_thread", "relaylog", "release", "reload", "remove", "rename", "reorganize", "repair", "repeat", "repeatable", "replace", "replicate_do_db", "replicate_do_table",
"replicate_ignore_db", "replicate_ignore_table", "replicate_rewrite_db", "replicate_wild_do_table", "replicate_wild_ignore_table", "replication", "require", "reset", "resignal", "restore", "restrict", "resume", "return",
"returned_sqlstate", "returns", "reverse", "revoke", "right", "rlike", "rollback", "rollup", "rotate", "routine", "row", "row_count", "row_format", "rows", "rtree", "savepoint", "schedule", "schema", "schema_name",
"schemas", "second", "second_microsecond", "security", "select", "sensitive", "separator", "serial", "serializable", "server", "session", "set", "share", "show", "shutdown", "signal", "signed", "simple", "slave", "slow",
"smallint", "snapshot", "socket", "some", "soname", "sounds", "source", "spatial", "specific", "sql", "sql_after_gtids", "sql_after_mts_gaps", "sql_before_gtids", "sql_big_result", "sql_buffer_result", "sql_cache",
"sql_calc_found_rows", "sql_no_cache", "sql_small_result", "sql_thread", "sql_tsi_day", "sql_tsi_hour", "sql_tsi_minute", "sql_tsi_month", "sql_tsi_quarter", "sql_tsi_second", "sql_tsi_week", "sql_tsi_year",
"sqlexception", "sqlstate", "sqlwarning", "ssl", "stacked", "start", "starting", "starts", "stats_auto_recalc", "stats_persistent", "stats_sample_pages", "status", "stop", "storage", "stored", "straight_join", "string",
"subclass_origin", "subject", "subpartition", "subpartitions", "super", "suspend", "swaps", "switches", "table", "table_checksum", "table_name", "tables", "tablespace", "temporary", "temptable", "terminated", "text",
"than", "then", "time", "timestamp", "timestampadd", "timestampdiff", "tinyblob", "tinyint", "tinytext", "to", "trailing", "transaction", "trigger", "triggers", "true", "truncate", "type", "types", "uncommitted",
"undefined", "undo", "undo_buffer_size", "undofile", "unicode", "uninstall", "union", "unique", "unknown", "unlock", "unsigned", "until", "update", "upgrade", "usage", "use", "use_frm", "user", "user_resources",
"using", "utc_date", "utc_time", "utc_timestamp", "validation", "value", "values", "varbinary", "varchar", "varcharacter", "variables", "varying", "view", "virtual", "wait", "warnings", "week", "weight_string",
"when", "where", "while", "with", "without", "work", "wrapper", "write", "x509", "xa", "xid", "xml", "xor", "year", "year_month", "zerofill"