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Add new table to a database

Only administrators and super-administrators can add a table to a database.
  • Click on File to go to the backstage section, select Database and click Edit tables of current database.
  • There are three ways to add a table:
  • Add a new empty table Click Add button.
  • Duplicate selected table Click More button and select Duplicate selected table.
  • Add preformatted table Click More button, select Add preformatted tables and choose from the available options.
  • To delete a table from the list, select it and click Delete.
  • To show the fields of a table, select the wanted table from the list and click on Edit fields.
  • Note that a number of tables that are always present in each BioloMICS database can be used to store relevant data: user_list_, files_, orders_, lims_dnaextracts_, lims_microplates_, lims_pcr_, lims_primers_, lims_sequencing_.
    These tables are always ending with an underscore (_) meaning that no one can delete or remove structural fields from these tables. Additional fields can, however, be added to structural tables.
    A few more tables are also present in any BioloMICS based databases but are not visible or updatable by any end user or administrator: connection_list, field_list, group_list, history, log_list, table_list, webpages, websites.
    To remove the structural tables from the list, click More and select Hide BioloMICS structural tables.
  • To assign no rights on the selected table(s) for any of the groups, click More and select Limit record privileges on selected tables.
  • To assign full rights on the selected table(s) to all of the groups, click More and select Reset privileges on selected tables.
NB: Be aware that the following names cannot be used as table name, since they are reserved in MySQL:
"accessible", "account", "action", "add", "after", "against", "aggregate", "algorithm", "all", "alter", "always", "analyse", "analyze", "and", "any", "as", "asc", "ascii", "asensitive", "at", "auto_increment",
"autoextend_size", "avg", "avg_row_length", "backup", "before", "begin", "between", "bigint", "binary", "binlog", "bit", "blob", "block", "bool", "boolean", "both", "btree", "by", "byte", "cache", "call", "cascade",
"cascaded", "case", "catalog_name", "chain", "change", "changed", "channel", "char", "character", "charset", "check", "checksum", "cipher", "class_origin", "client", "close", "coalesce", "code", "collate",
"collation", "column", "column_format", "column_name", "columns", "comment", "commit", "committed", "compact", "completion", "compressed", "compression", "concurrent", "condition", "connection",
"consistent", "constraint", "constraint_catalog", "constraint_name", "constraint_schema", "contains", "context", "continue", "convert", "cpu", "create", "cross", "cube", "current", "current_date", "current_time",
"current_timestamp", "current_user", "cursor", "cursor_name", "data", "database", "databases", "datafile", "date", "datetime", "day", "day_hour", "day_microsecond", "day_minute", "day_second", "deallocate",
"dec", "decimal", "declare", "default", "default_auth", "definer", "delay_key_write", "delayed", "delete", "des_key_file", "desc", "describe", "deterministic", "diagnostics", "directory", "disable", "discard", "disk",
"distinct", "distinctrow", "div", "do", "double", "drop", "dual", "dumpfile", "duplicate", "dynamic", "each", "else", "elseif", "enable", "enclosed", "encryption", "end", "ends", "engine", "engines", "enum", "error",
"errors", "escape", "escaped", "event", "events", "every", "exchange", "execute", "exists", "exit", "expansion", "expire", "explain", "export", "extended", "extent_size", "false", "fast", "faults", "fetch", "fields",
"file", "file_block_size", "filter", "first", "fixed", "float", "float4",
"float8", "flush", "follows", "for", "force", "foreign", "format", "found", "from", "full", "fulltext", "function", "general", "generated", "geometry", "geometrycollection", "get", "get_format", "global",
"grant", "grants", "group", "group_replication", "handler", "hash", "having", "help", "high_priority", "host", "hosts", "hour", "hour_microsecond", "hour_minute", "hour_second", "identified", "if", "ignore",
"ignore_server_ids", "import", "in", "index", "indexes", "infile", "initial_size", "inner", "inout", "insensitive", "insert", "insert_method", "install", "instance", "int", "int1", "int2", "int3",
"int4","int8", "integer", "interval", "into", "invoker", "io", "io_after_gtids", "io_before_gtids", "io_thread", "ipc", "is", "isolation", "issuer", "iterate", "join", "json", "key", "key_block_size", "keys", "kill", "language", "last",
"leading", "leave", "leaves", "left", "less", "level", "like", "limit", "linear", "lines", "linestring", "list", "load", "local", "localtime", "localtimestamp", "lock", "locks", "logfile", "logs", "long", "longblob", "longtext",
"loop", "low_priority", "master", "master_auto_position", "master_bind", "master_connect_retry", "master_delay", "master_heartbeat_period", "master_host", "master_log_file", "master_log_pos",
"master_password", "master_port", "master_retry_count", "master_server_id", "master_ssl", "master_ssl_ca", "master_ssl_capath", "master_ssl_cert", "master_ssl_cipher", "master_ssl_crl", "master_ssl_crlpath",
"master_ssl_key", "master_ssl_verify_server_cert", "master_tls_version", "master_user", "match", "max_connections_per_hour", "max_queries_per_hour", "max_rows", "max_size", "max_statement_time",
"max_updates_per_hour", "max_user_connections", "maxvalue", "medium", "mediumblob", "mediumint", "mediumtext", "memory", "merge", "message_text", "microsecond", "middleint", "migrate", "min_rows",
"minute", "minute_microsecond", "minute_second", "mod", "mode", "modifies", "modify", "month", "multilinestring", "multipoint", "multipolygon", "mutex", "mysql_errno", "name", "names", "national", "natural",
"nchar", "ndb", "ndbcluster", "never", "new", "next", "no", "no_wait", "no_write_to_binlog", "nodegroup", "nonblocking", "none", "not", "null", "number", "numeric", "nvarchar", "offset", "old_password", "on",
"one", "only", "open", "optimize", "optimizer_costs", "option", "optionally", "options", "or", "order", "out", "outer", "outfile", "owner", "pack_keys", "page", "parse_gcol_expr", "parser", "partial", "partition",
"partitioning", "partitions", "password", "phase", "plugin", "plugin_dir", "plugins", "point", "polygon", "port", "precedes", "precision", "prepare", "preserve", "prev", "primary", "privileges", "procedure", "processlist",
"profile", "profiles", "proxy", "purge", "quarter", "query", "quick", "range", "read", "read_only", "read_write", "reads", "real", "rebuild", "recover", "redo_buffer_size", "redofile", "redundant", "references", "regexp",
"relay", "relay_log_file", "relay_log_pos", "relay_thread", "relaylog", "release", "reload", "remove", "rename", "reorganize", "repair", "repeat", "repeatable", "replace", "replicate_do_db", "replicate_do_table",
"replicate_ignore_db", "replicate_ignore_table", "replicate_rewrite_db", "replicate_wild_do_table", "replicate_wild_ignore_table", "replication", "require", "reset", "resignal", "restore", "restrict", "resume", "return",
"returned_sqlstate", "returns", "reverse", "revoke", "right", "rlike", "rollback", "rollup", "rotate", "routine", "row", "row_count", "row_format", "rows", "rtree", "savepoint", "schedule", "schema", "schema_name",
"schemas", "second", "second_microsecond", "security", "select", "sensitive", "separator", "serial", "serializable", "server", "session", "set", "share", "show", "shutdown", "signal", "signed", "simple", "slave", "slow",
"smallint", "snapshot", "socket", "some", "soname", "sounds", "source", "spatial", "specific", "sql", "sql_after_gtids", "sql_after_mts_gaps", "sql_before_gtids", "sql_big_result", "sql_buffer_result", "sql_cache",
"sql_calc_found_rows", "sql_no_cache", "sql_small_result", "sql_thread", "sql_tsi_day", "sql_tsi_hour", "sql_tsi_minute", "sql_tsi_month", "sql_tsi_quarter", "sql_tsi_second", "sql_tsi_week", "sql_tsi_year",
"sqlexception", "sqlstate", "sqlwarning", "ssl", "stacked", "start", "starting", "starts", "stats_auto_recalc", "stats_persistent", "stats_sample_pages", "status", "stop", "storage", "stored", "straight_join", "string",
"subclass_origin", "subject", "subpartition", "subpartitions", "super", "suspend", "swaps", "switches", "table", "table_checksum", "table_name", "tables", "tablespace", "temporary", "temptable", "terminated", "text",
"than", "then", "time", "timestamp", "timestampadd", "timestampdiff", "tinyblob", "tinyint", "tinytext", "to", "trailing", "transaction", "trigger", "triggers", "true", "truncate", "type", "types", "uncommitted",
"undefined", "undo", "undo_buffer_size", "undofile", "unicode", "uninstall", "union", "unique", "unknown", "unlock", "unsigned", "until", "update", "upgrade", "usage", "use", "use_frm", "user", "user_resources",
"using", "utc_date", "utc_time", "utc_timestamp", "validation", "value", "values", "varbinary", "varchar", "varcharacter", "variables", "varying", "view", "virtual", "wait", "warnings", "week", "weight_string",
"when", "where", "while", "with", "without", "work", "wrapper", "write", "x509", "xa", "xid", "xml", "xor", "year", "year_month", "zerofill"