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XWhereOr_ Method
Overload List
Public methodCode exampleOr_(XWhere)
Join xwhere statement with current xwhere statement with OR operator
Public methodCode exampleOr_(String, XWhereOperationEnum)
Create a new xwhere statement from fieldname and operation and join it with current xwhere statement using OR operator.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleOr_(XWhere, XWhere)
Joins two xwhere statements with OR operator
Public methodCode exampleOr_(String, XWhereOperationEnum, BsonValue)
Create a new xwhere statement from fieldname and operation and value and join it with current xwhere statement using OR operator.
Public methodCode exampleOr_(XWherePreOperationEnum, String, XWhereOperationEnum, BsonValue)
Create a new xwhere statement from fieldname and preoperation and operation and value and join it with current xwhere statement using OR operator.
Public methodCode exampleOr_(XWherePreOperationEnum, BsonValue, String, XWhereOperationEnum, BsonValue)
Create a new xwhere statement from fieldname ,preoperation,prevalue, operation and value and join it with current xwhere statement

using OR operator.

See Also