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Biolomics.BioCallback Namespace
Documentation on classes used by BioloMICS
Public classRun
Class Run. Main class for running BioloMICS functions.
Public classTextBoxStreamWriter
Class TextBoxStreamWriter.
Public classWhereEventArgs
Use to store either a XWhere or a string where clause from Biocoder to BioloMICS
Public classCode exampleXAField
Class that presents AField.


Code of field: A (for Array)

Type of field:fixed array of discrete data.

Storage: one integer with value in the range 0…8 for each subfield.

Applicable to:

96 wells microplate discrete data (-, +, weak, ...)

384 wells microplate discrete data (-, +, weak, ...)

Free array data, discrete data

Public classCode exampleXBlastHit
Class XBlastHit.
Public classCode exampleXCField
Class XCField persents CField.


Code of field: C

Type of field: multi-state unordered discrete data.

Storage: one integer with value 0 to 3 for each subfield.

Applicable to:

Discrete data, multiple states (ex: colors, type of vegetation, climate...)

Public classXConfig
Class XConfig.Presents the configuration of biolomics.
Public classCode exampleXConnection
This class encapsulate a TConnection instance. A few maps are also created, to embed the original DataLayoutMap, TableDefMap and FieldDefMap
Public classXConnectionDef
Class XConnectionDef.Contains the definition of the connection .
Public classCode exampleXDataLayout
Class XDataLayout. It presents the view of the table to be shown in the tree.
Public classXDataLayoutMap
This is a real Generic.KeyedCollection, so that all usual operations on a collection work on it.
Public classXDateTime
Class XDateTime represents date time data.
Public classCode exampleXDField
Class XDField.Presents decimal field.


Code of field: D

Type of field: handle simple discrete, semi-discrete or continuous characters having maximum 1 state or value.

Storage: A 64 bit real number.

Applicable to:

Many types of data can be encoded using this type of field.

Public classCode exampleXEField
Class XEField.Represnets text field.


Code of field: E (for Editable Text)

Type of field: free text containing an unlimited amount of characters.

Applicable to:

All textual information.

Public classXFastaResult
Class XFastaResult.
Public classXFastaResultFile
Class XFastaResultFile.
Public classXField
Class XField.This is the base class for all X..Field classes. It contains a reference to the parent record and contains field definition cref="XFieldDef".
Public classXFieldDef
Class XFieldDef.
Public classCode exampleXFieldDefMap
This is a real Generic.KeyedCollection, so that all usual operations on a collection work on it. the encapsulation of the source TFieldDefMap is made at the FieldDef level, being here a XFieldDef pointing to the original object
Public classCode exampleXFieldMap
Class XFieldMap.
Public classCode exampleXFileField
Class XFileField.


Code of field: F (for File)

Type of field: container for files of any format (pictures, MS-Office documents, trace files, etc).

Storage: The file content is stored in a BLOB (Binary Large Object) in the database.

Applicable to:

Any file of any format associated with a given record. Files that are too large could create problems depending on the setting of the underlying database (MySQL, MongoDB) since some size limitations may apply.

Public classCode exampleXFileLinkField
Class XFileLinkField.


Code of field: FLink (for File Link)

Type of field: Link to F field that is a container for files of any format (pictures, MS-Office documents, trace files, etc).

Applicable to:

Any file of any format associated with a given record. Files that are too large could create problems depending on the setting of the underlying database (MySQL, MongoDB) since some size limitations may apply.

Public classCode exampleXGField
Class XGField.


Code of field: G (for Gel data)

Type of field: Molecular weights (MW) series obtained from the analysis of electrophoresis gels.

Storage: a vector of real numbers.

Applicable to:

Molecular weights obtained from: RAPD, RFLP, PFGE, PCR, AFLP, Southern blots, Northern blots, Western blots...

Public classXGLinkField
Class XGLinkField.


Code of field: GLink (for Gel Link)

Type of field: Link to G field that is a container for MW series.

Applicable to:

List of Molecular weights series obtained from: RAPD, RFLP, PFGE, PCR, AFLP, Southern blots, Northern blots, Western blots...

Public classXGroupDef
Class XGroupDef.Prensts group definition.
Public classXGroupDefMap
This is a real Generic.KeyedCollection, so that all usual operations on a collection work on it. the encapsulation of the source TGroupDefMap is made at the GroupDef level, being here a XGroupDef pointing to the original object
Public classCode exampleXHField
XHField a class that presents Date time field.


Code of field: H (for Historical data)

Type of field: date field and time.

Applicable to:

Date with the following format: dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy.

To set the format (US or European), go to the Backstage section, open the Options and in General click True or False in US Date Format.

Public classCode exampleXInt64Field
Class XInt64Field.


Code of field: I (for Integer)

Type of field: handle simple discrete, semi-discrete or continuous characters having maximum 1 state or value.

Applicable to:

Many types of data can be encoded using this type of field.

Public classXKeySubIdNodeType
Class XKeySubIdNodeType.
Public classCode exampleXKField
Class XKField.


Code of field: K

Type of field: color.

Applicable to:

Any ARGB number stored as 32 or 64 bit value.

Warning: if alpha and Red components are zero, the value may be understood as a 32 bit integer instead of a 64 bit integer

Public classCode exampleXLField
Class XLField.


Code of field: L (for Location)

Type of field: Latitude, longitude data, altitude in meters and precision factor (PF) in kilometers.

Applicable to:

Latitude and longitude values can be entered in degree/minute/second or in radian.

Public classCode exampleXLinkField
XLinkField class is the base class for link fields.
Public classCode exampleXLLinkField
Class XLLinkField.


Code of field: LLink (for Location Link)

Type of field: Link to L field that is a container for GIS coordinates (Latitude, longitude data (in radians), altitude in meters and precision factor (PF) in kilometers).

Applicable to:

List of GIS coordinates

Public classCode exampleXMField
Class XMField.


Code of field: M (for Microplate)

Type of field: fixed array of continuous data of type S.

Applicable to:

96 wells microplate continuous data

384 wells microplate continuous data

Free array data, continuous data

Public classCode exampleXNField
Class XNField.


Code of field: N (for DNA)

Type of field: free text field containing one DNA or protein sequence.

Applicable to:

DNA or protein sequence data.

Public classCode exampleXNLinkField
Class XNLinkField.


Code of field: NLink (for DNA Link)

Type of field: Link to N field that is a container for sequence data (DNA or protein).

Applicable to:

List of one or several DNA or protein sequences.

Public classXNodeTagEnum
Class XNodeTagEnum.
Public classCode exampleXOField
Class XOField.


Code of field: O

Type of field: a structured classification value.

Applicable to:

Any kind of structured hierarchy.

Public classCode exampleXOLinkField
Class XOLinkField.


Code of field: OL (for Ontology Link)

Type of field: link to an ontology field in another table.

Applicable to:

All records linked to multiple target records defined in a table with ontology fields.

Public classXReadWriteDelete
Class XReadWriteDelete.
Public classCode exampleXRecLinkField
Class XRecLinkField.


Code of field: RLink (for Record Link)

Type of field: Link to records of another and associated table. This kind of table is called target table.

Applicable to:

List of records that should be linked. A link can point to another table, but also to itself. This can be used in a very large number of scenarios. Ex.: link between strains (table 1) and species names (table 2).

Public classCode exampleXRecord
Class XRecord.
Public classCode exampleXRecordMap
Class XRecordMap.
Public classCode exampleXSField
Class XSField.


Code of field: S

Type of field: continuous range data.

Storage: Four 64 bit real numbers.

Applicable to:

Continuous range data where four possible values can be recorded: minimum, low percentile (ex: 5% percentile), high percentile (ex: 95% percentile) and maximum values.

Public classCode exampleXTableDef
Class XTableDef.
Public classCode exampleXTableDefMap
This is a real Generic.KeyedCollection, so that all usual operations on a collection work on it. the encapsulation of the source TTableDefMap is made at the TableDef level, being here a XTableDef pointing to the original object
Public classXTaxoField
Class XTaxoField.
Public classXTaxoLinkField
Class XTaxoLinkField.
Public classCode exampleXTField
Class XTField.


Code of field: T

Type of field: single discrete data with four possible states that can be combined.

Storage: one integer value in the range 0…15, as only 4 bits are used.

Applicable to:

Any data that can be reduced to a simple discrete value such as "presence/absence" or "yes/no".

Public classCode exampleXUField
Class XUField.


Code of field: U (for URL)

Type of field: List of hyperlinks pointing to websites.

Applicable to:

Websites containing useful information on a given record can be pointed and opened with U fields.

Public classXUserDef
Class XUserDef.Presents the user with all informations.
Public classCode exampleXVField
Class XVField.


Code of field: V

Type of field: single discrete data with an unlimited number of states.

Storage: one integer value in the range of 0 till the number of added states.

Applicable to:

Any data that can be reduced to a simple discrete value such as "presence/absence" or "yes/no".

Public classCode exampleXWField
Class XWField.


Code of field: W (for Wave)

Type of field: free array of series of continuous data.

Applicable to:

Time series, HPLC, GC, NMR data, ...

Public classCode exampleXWLinkField
Class XWLinkField.


Code of field: WLink

Type of field: Link to W field that is a container for free array of series of continuous data.

Applicable to:

List of Time series, HPLC, GC, NMR data, ...
