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XWhereOr_ Method (XWhere, XWhere)
Joins two xwhere statements with OR operator

Namespace:  Biolomics.SharedClasses
Assembly:  Biolomics.SharedClasses (in Biolomics.SharedClasses.dll) Version: (
public static XWhere Or_(
	XWhere p_X,
	XWhere p_Y


Type: Biolomics.SharedClassesXWhere
Type: Biolomics.SharedClassesXWhere

Return Value

Type: XWhere
This is an example of use of XWhere class to do some queries.
Example VB.Net
Imports System
Imports System.Collections

Imports Biolomics.BioCallback
Imports Biolomics.SharedClasses
Imports Biolomics.Utility.Constants

Public Class MyNewClass

    ' This function is called when running this script
    Shared Sub Main()

        '    Create an instance of class MyNewClass and call its functions
        Dim c As New MyNewClass
    End Sub

    Public Sub RunQuery()

        '    *****    Run a query    in the current SearchPage    *****
        Dim Where As XWhere = XWhere.GT(, 2).And_(, XWhere.OperationEnum.LT, 8).Or_(, XWhere.OperationEnum.EndWith, "877")

        '    *****    Numerical queries    *****
        Where = XWhere.Eq(, 5)                    '    WHERE Id = 5
        Where = XWhere.NE(, 5)                    '    WHERE Id != 5
        Where = XWhere.GT(, 5)                    '    WHERE Id > 5
        Where = XWhere.GTE(, 5)                '    WHERE Id >= 5
        Where = XWhere.LT(, 5)                    '    WHERE Id < 5
        Where = XWhere.LTE(, 5)                '    WHERE Id <= 5

        '    *****    String queries    *****
        Where = XWhere.Eq(, "CBS 14")           '    WHERE Name = 'CBS 14'
        Where = XWhere.NE("name", "CBS 14")          '    WHERE Name != 'CBS 14'
        Where = XWhere.StartWith("name", "Apis")     '    WHERE Name LIKE 'Apis%'
        Where = XWhere.Contains("name", "mell")      '    WHERE Name LIKE '%mell%'
        Where = XWhere.EndWith("name", "mellifera")  '    WHERE Name LIKE '%mellifera'

        '    *****    Numerical list queries    *****
        Dim NumArray As Integer() = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
        Dim NumList As New BsonArray(NumArray)       '    from an array of values
        NumList.Add(11)   '    add a value
        Where = XWhere.In_(, NumList)          '    WHERE Id IN(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11)

        '    *****    String list queries    *****
        Dim StrArray As String() = {"John", "Bryan", "Bob"}
        Dim StrList As New BsonArray(StrArray)       '    from an array of values
        Where = XWhere.In_(, StrList)           '    WHERE Name IN("John", "Bryan", "Bob")

        '    *****    Combining queries    *****
        Where = XWhere.GTE(, 5).And_(, XWhere.OperationEnum.LT, 20) ' WHERE Id >= 5 AND Id < 20
        '    the operation given as the second parameter has the same name as 
        '    the static functions above: Ep, LT, LTE, GT, etc.
        '    There is no limit in the combinations, executed from left to right
        Where = XWhere.GTE(, 5).And_(, XWhere.OperationEnum.StartWith, "Vespa").
         And_("comment", XWhere.OperationEnum.Contains, "invasive")

        '    *****    Checking for NULL    *****
        Where = XWhere.IsNull("name")             '    WHERE Name is null
        Where = XWhere.IsNotNull("name")          '    WHERE Name is not null

        '    ***** Complex queries with bitwise pre-processing
        '    checking for bit #3 (= 4) in a value
        Where = XWhere.NE(XWhere.PreOperationEnum.BitAnd, 4, "read_group", 0)   ' WHERE (ReadGroup AND 4) <> 0
        '    checking for even values: bit #0 is not set
        Where = XWhere.Eq(XWhere.PreOperationEnum.BitAnd, 1, "read_group", 0)   ' WHERE (ReadGroup AND 1) = 0

        '    *****    Regular expressions    *****
        Where = XWhere.RegExp("name", "[[:<:]]invasive[[:>:]]")  '    WHERE Name REGEXP '[[:<:]]invasive[[:>:]]'

        '    *****    Loading everything or nothing    *****
        Where = XWhere.All
        Where = XWhere.Empty

        '    *****    Check for the content of a Where Clause    *****
        If Where.IsEmpty OrElse Where.IsAll Then
            '    ...
        End If

    End Sub

End Class
See Also