 Table view list
Shows list with all visible table views. More...
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 Add record
Add a new record to the current table. More...
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 Duplicate record
Duplicate the selected record in the current table, copying all its data and links. More...
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 Delete records
Delete selected records from the current table. More...
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 Transfer records
Send a copy of selected record(s) to another table of the same database. More...
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 Lock record(s)
Lock selected record(s) to prevent unwanted editions. More...
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 Unlock record(s)
Unlock selected record(s) to allow editing. More...
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 Search text
Enter the text to be queried in the textbox and click on this button to get the matching names. More...
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 Reset query
Reset current query and reload all records of the table. More...
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Open or close the search panel. More...
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 Insert Function
Opens the window to add a function or formula. More...
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 Value in selected cell
Shows the value in the current selected cell in the BioSheet.
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