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Saving into database

  • Click on the save button at the top-left of the window and select Save or Save as... to start the wizard shown below.
  • In the DNA analysis data importation wizard, and set the correspondence between the sequence and the records in the database.
Saving into database
3. Select the sequence field and the field where to store the experiment data file, and click Next.

4. Click Finish. Now the sequences are saved in the database.

Search box

1. Search box
Type here to search for records in the currently opened table.

Search button

2. Search button
Click Search to find records in the currently opened table.

Advanced search button

3. Advanced search button
To perform an advanced search.

Add correspondence button

4. Add correspondence button
Set the correspondence between the sequence and the record selected.

Delete correspondence button

5. Delete correspondence button
Remove the selected correspondence.

Back button

6. Back button
Go one step back in the wizard.

Next button

7. Next button
Go to the next step.

Cancel button

8. Cancel button
Cancel the import of the sequences to the BioloMICS database.