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N - Edition of data

  • Select the record(s) to be edited in the BioSheet on the left side of the window.
  • Select the N field to be edited in the tree on the right side of the window.
  • Double-click on the field's Values column. A popup window will appear.
  • Paste the sequence in the textbox.
  • Additional function are available from the popup:
    N - Edition of data
  • Click Save to save the sequence.
Note that several records (multiple selection) can be edited at the same time for a given field. Also, several fields having the exact same properties can be edited at the same time using the multiple field selection feature.
Click Ctrl + Z to undo the last change; Click Ctrl + Y for redo.

Clear sequence button

1. Clear sequence button
To remove the unwanted characters from a given sequence such as numbers, carriage-return or letters that cannot be present in a sequence.

Statistics button

2. Statistics button
To obtain information related to a sequence such as the length, the number of A, C, T, G or the possible conversions into the protein (for DNA sequences only). For more details, see Statistics on sequence.

Search button

3. Search button
Search DNA segment in this sequence.

Reverse-complement button

4. Reverse-complement button
Reverse-complement this sequence.

Identification with Blast button

5. Identification with Blast button
To compare a sequence with another one or to identify it against an existing database. For more details, see Identification.

Selecet entire sequence

6. Selecet entire sequence
Select entire sequence, even if too big to be displayed.