M - Edition of data
Note that from 2024, the M and S fields contain 2 values (min-max) instead of 4.
Fields created before will keep the full value up to the moment the value is being updated.
Select the record(s) to be edited in the BioSheet on the left side of the window.
Select the M field to be edited in the tree on the right side of the window.
Double-click on the field's Values column to edit the value.Continuous data can also be edited directly from the BioSheet on the left side of the window.A popup window will appear (see picture below).
Edit the values manually or use one of the following buttons:
Compute basic statistics. Paste or enter numeric values and click on Compute statistics. Click Use statistics to use the obtained values in the S field.
Copy values to clipboard.
Paste values from clipboard.
Click Save to save the (new) values in the subfields of the M field and to close the popup.Click Unknown to place question marks (?).Click Cancel to close the popup without saving the changes.
Note that several records (multiple selection) can be edited at the same time for a given field. Also, several fields having the exact same properties can be edited at the same time using the multiple field selection feature.
Click Ctrl + Z to undo the last change; Click Ctrl + Y for redo.