E - Specific features

To open the advanced options of an E field, click on File to go to the backstage section, in Database, click Edit fields.
Select the right table and double click on the E field.
Go to step 2 of the wizard and click on the Advanced options button.Default value: this value will be automatically inserted when creating a new record (default value is ?).Minimum length: user cannot enter texts shorter than the minimum length.Maximum length: user cannot enter texts larger than the maximum length.Field subtype: depending on the purpose of the field, select from: Text, HTML, XML or CSS.Note: default value is 0 for both (minimum and maximum value) which means no restrictions in terms of value.
Check the Record keywords checkbox to allow users to add new keywords to the dictionary from the tree in the main window of BioloMICS.If not checked, only the administrators will be able to change the keyword list.
Click View Keywords to see all keywords currently in the dictionary. Keywords can be added or edited in the list. Click OK to save the keyword list.
6. Click OK to save the settings.