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Full movie BioloMICS: Dashboard (see below).
Full movie BioloMICS: Dashboard elements (see below).
A dashboard can be created to show the data in the database in a specific way.
  • To create a dashboard, click on File to go to the backstage section, select Dashboard.
  • Check either to Use selected records only or to Use all records in the current table.
  • To create a new dashboard, click on the button Create a new dashboard. See Create a new dashboard.
  • To reuse a previously created and saved dashboard, click on the button Use existing dashboard. See Use existing dashboard.
Movie can also be found on YouTube, BioloMICS: Dashboard.
This movie shows how to create a dashboard in BioloMICS.
1. Backstage – Dashboard (0:09)
2. Select fields (0:26)
3. Design dashboard (0:59)
4. Save dashboard (5:58)
5. Open existing dashboard (6:08)
6. Update displayed information (6:38)
Movie can also be found on YouTube, BioloMICS: Dashboard elements.
This movie shows how to use the Sunburst and Sankey elements in the dashboard tool in BioloMICS.
1. Select records in grid (0:11)
2. Create a new dashboard (0:15)
3. Select the fields to be included in the dashboard (0:25)
4. Sunburst (0:55)
5. Sankey (1:26)
6. Save dashboard (1:49)