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LinkedXWhere Class
Class LinkedXWhere.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Biolomics.SharedClasses
Assembly:  Biolomics.SharedClasses (in Biolomics.SharedClasses.dll) Version: (
public class LinkedXWhere : XWhere

The LinkedXWhere type exposes the following members.

Public propertyFieldName
Gets the name of the field.
(Inherited from XWhere.)
Public propertyOperation
Gets the operation.
(Inherited from XWhere.)
Public propertyParentTableName
Gets the name of the parent table.
Public propertyPreOperation
Gets the pre operation.
(Inherited from XWhere.)
Public propertyPreValue
Gets the pre value.
(Inherited from XWhere.)
Public propertyTargetFieldName
Gets the name of the target field.
Public propertyTargetTableName
Gets the name of the target table.
Public propertyValue
Gets the value.
(Inherited from XWhere.)
Public propertyWhereX
Gets the X xwhere.
(Inherited from XWhere.)
Public propertyWhereY
Gets the Y xwhere.
(Inherited from XWhere.)
Public methodCode exampleAnd_(XWhere)
Concats given XWhere statement with current XWhere using AND operator.
(Inherited from XWhere.)
Public methodCode exampleAnd_(String, XWhereOperationEnum, BsonValue)
Created new XWhere with And operator to add new xwhere statement based on field name and operation and value to current xwhere statement.
(Inherited from XWhere.)
Public methodCode exampleAnd_(XWherePreOperationEnum, String, XWhereOperationEnum, BsonValue)
Created new XWhere with And operator to add new xwhere statement based on field name ,preoperation, operation and value to current xwhere statement.
(Inherited from XWhere.)
Public methodCode exampleAnd_(XWherePreOperationEnum, BsonValue, String, XWhereOperationEnum, BsonValue)
Created new XWhere with And operator to add new xwhere statement based on field name ,preoperation,prevalue, operation and value to current xwhere statement.
(Inherited from XWhere.)
Public methodClear
Resets the xwhere. See the default constructor
(Inherited from XWhere.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleIsAll
Determines whether this instance contains xwhere.All.
(Inherited from XWhere.)
Public methodCode exampleIsEmpty
Determines whether this xwhere contains an Empty xwher.
(Inherited from XWhere.)
Public methodMaxId
Get the maximum id.
(Inherited from XWhere.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMinId
Get the minimum id.
(Inherited from XWhere.)
Public methodCode exampleOr_(XWhere)
Join xwhere statement with current xwhere statement with OR operator
(Inherited from XWhere.)
Public methodCode exampleOr_(String, XWhereOperationEnum)
Create a new xwhere statement from fieldname and operation and join it with current xwhere statement using OR operator.
(Inherited from XWhere.)
Public methodCode exampleOr_(String, XWhereOperationEnum, BsonValue)
Create a new xwhere statement from fieldname and operation and value and join it with current xwhere statement using OR operator.
(Inherited from XWhere.)
Public methodCode exampleOr_(XWherePreOperationEnum, String, XWhereOperationEnum, BsonValue)
Create a new xwhere statement from fieldname and preoperation and operation and value and join it with current xwhere statement using OR operator.
(Inherited from XWhere.)
Public methodCode exampleOr_(XWherePreOperationEnum, BsonValue, String, XWhereOperationEnum, BsonValue)
Create a new xwhere statement from fieldname ,preoperation,prevalue, operation and value and join it with current xwhere statement

using OR operator.

(Inherited from XWhere.)
Public methodTitle
build a title for the given Where clause, something that is understandable by most users
(Inherited from XWhere.)
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents this xwhere.
(Inherited from XWhere.)
See Also