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S Field

The S Field contains four values giving a validity range.
These values are real numbers. They represent the Minimum (Min), Low-percentile (LP), High-percentile (HP) and Maximum (Max) values of a character.
For import, the source string must contain 1, 2 or 4 values.
If import string contains 1 value X, all Min, LP, HP and Max = X.
If import string contains 2 value X1 and X2: Min = LP = X1 and HP = Max = X2.
If import string contains 4 values, they are given to Min, LP, HP and Max respectively.
Values must be separated by a semi-colon (“;”) and not by the Subfield separator given in the options, because the subfield separator is already used to split the S-Fields when importing an M-Field.
If values are unknown, they may be replaced by a single question mark "?", or by four of them "?;?;?;?".
Either all four values must be given, or all values are unknown. Real numbers and "?" cannot be mixed.
If merging data, the Min and LP take the smaller value between the current value and the imported value; and the HP and Max take the highest value between the current value and the imported value. In other words, the range is growing.