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Results (step 7)

Movie BioloMICS: Gel electrophoresis, from 3.47 min.
All molecular weights are computed and shown in the bottom grid (Results) together with the distance of migration in pixels for each band in each lane.
Red cells indicate that the band was either below the lowest reference band or above the highest reference band. In this case, the system is not able to return a trustable value.
The cells colored in green are bands of the reference lanes.

It is possible to paste a list of record names from clipboard in the 'profile to export' list on the left.
  • When a cell in the Results grid is colored red, click on the cell to see the band in the gel. Right-click to edit the value or to delete the band.
  • To refresh the original band after changing its value, click Refresh, in the Results group.
  • There are 3 ways to export the results, to file, to clipboard or into the BioloMICS database.
Results (step 7)

Refresh button

1. Refresh button
To refresh the original band after changing its value.

Export results
to file

2. Export results 
to file
Save the results externally.

Export results
to clipboard button

3. Export results 
to clipboard button
Save the results to clipboard, to be used by other programs.

Export profiles to
BioloMICS database button

4. Export profiles to 
BioloMICS database button
Save the molecular weights into one or several records in the database. More...

extrapolated bands

5. Remove
extrapolated bands
Remove the bands that are above the highest marker band, and the bands that are below the lowest marker band.