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Merge subfields

For fields containing subfields (A, C and M fields), choose for merging Yes or No:
Yes: final similarity of the field is the average similarity of all subfields, computed one by one.
No: each subfield is considered independently with equal importance like any other field. The final similarity is the sum of each subfield similarity computed separately.
Example: 10 fields are included in the identification, one of them being a C field with 6 subfields. All fields weights = 1.0.
With the Merge subfields option, the sum of the 10 field similarities is divided by 10, as the 6 subfields of the C field are considered as a single value.
If the Merge subfields option is cleared, the sum of the 6 subfields similarities is added to the sum of the 9 other field similarities, and the total is divided by 15.
So each subfield has much more importance in the final result.