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Display of data

Choose from the following options:
  • Data in the grid can be displayed in different ways. By default the list is sorted by ID which means that the oldest record is shown on top and the newest at the end of the list.
    Filters can be applied to show a given section of the data, as well as the show-hide records option.
    Records can be sorted temporarily or permanently and panes can be frozen to fix data when scrolling in the grid.
  • Create your own Word documents or Excel spreadsheets in BioloMICS and save them in the cloud. From the cloud you can easily share the files with other users. You decide who can see, change or delete which file in the cloud.
  • Data in BioloMICS can be viewed in different ways depending on the type of data.
    Latitude, longitude data can be displayed on a geographic map, and there are specific viewers for ontology and synonymy data.
    A dashboard can be designed to show the data the way preferred with for example pie-charts, maps and cards
  • Data in BioloMICS can be exported in several ways. Copy the data directly from the grid or export it to an own created template.
    Export sequences to Fasta format and use it as a local reference database for the BLAST.