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Full movie BioloMICS: Dereplication (see below).
Sometimes a table can contain duplicated information.
With the dereplication tool the duplicated records can be managed and merged.
  • To use the dereplicaion tool, first open the table where the duplicated records are present.
  • Under Other Tools, in the Duplicates group, click Search for duplicates.
  • In the popup window, select the algorithm and set the more options:
    Select the algorithm:
  • Fuzzy logic: a pre-treatment is applied to the record content so that similar values are considered as identical. What will be ignored in this mode is case sensitivity, swapped letters or words and spaces.
  • Exact match: Only when the name and the values of selected fields of 2 records are completely identical they will be displayed.
    More options:
  • Check the record name for duplicates: If not checked, 2 records may be considered as identical even if they have different names.
  • Full automatic duplicates removal: If checked, all records considered as identical by checking the records name and the selected fields will be merged automatically. WARNING: this is extremely dangerous if you don't select all fields, the record name, and when you don't use the Exact match mode. You may merge all records into a single one!
  • Select the field(s) to be used to select duplicates and click Finish.
  • The results are per group displayed in the grid. Select from the following buttons in the ribbon:
Movie can also be found on YouTube, BioloMICS: Dereplication.
This movie shows how to use the dereplication tool in BioloMICS.
1. Show duplicates (0:11)
2. Search for duplicates (0:24)
3. Exact match record name (0:30)
4. Include extra fields (0:35)
5. Merge all records and show next group (0:48)
6. Merge all groups (1:00)
7. Show results (1:04)
8. Search with fuzzy logic (1:17)
9. Merge manually selected records (1:30)
10. Show next group (1:45)
11. Summary (1:53)

Resume merging

1. Resume merging
If a previous search has been made and the table storing the duplicated records is not empty, this button allows resuming the precious work without recomputing the duplicated table. The first group of duplicated records will be displayed.

Show the
previous group

2. Show the 
previous group
Display the previous group of duplicated records.

Merge all records
and show next group

3. Merge all records
and show next group
Automatically merge all displayed records and display the next group of records.

Merge all

4. Merge all
Merge all groups of records automatically. All remaining groups of records considered as identical will be merged. This operation may take some time.

Merge the
selected records

5. Merge the
selected records
Merge the selected records automatically.

Merge manually the
selected records

6. Merge manually the
selected records
Merge the selected records manually. You will be able to choose how to merge the records field by field.

Show the
next group

7. Show the
next group
Display the next group of duplicated records.