Provide the title of the carousel.
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Auto or Max content.
Auto The height will be automatically adjusted to the content of the current pages of the slider.
Max content The height of all pages in the slider will be the same as the height of the highest page.
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Define the margins around the item.
The margin property is present for all containers.
This example is based on the Tab page container.
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Define the padding within the item.
The padding property is present for all containers.
This example is based on the Tab page container.
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Provide the size (width). Max 100.
The size property is present for all containers.
This example is based on the Tab page container.
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Use keyboard Enable keyboard navigation.
Use mouse wheel Enable navigation through mouse wheeling.
Orientation 'Left to right' or 'Right to left'.
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Loop Enable loop through arrows.
Hide arrows Hide navigation arrows.
Hide indicators Hide navigation indicators. ![](drex_container__carousel_custom_9.png)
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Autoplay Enable automatic sliding.
Interval Autoplay's interval in miliseconds (min 1000, max 10000).
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