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Category: Lookup Function.
Description: Returns a value from a cell in a position found by lookup in a search table.
Syntax: Vector form: LOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_vector, result_vector )
'Lookup_value' is the value to look up in the 'lookup_vector' single column (single row) range, 'lookup_vector' is a list of data (single column or row range) used to search for the lookup_value; 'result_vector' is a range of the same size as 'lookup_vector'.
The function returns the value in 'result_vector' at the position where the match is found in 'lookup_vector'.
Array form: LOOKUP(lookup_value, array)
'Lookup_value' is the value that you wish to look up in the specified array and 'array' is a two-dimensional array of data.
The first column (or row) of an array will be used to search for the 'lookup_value', and the value in the corresponding last column (or row) will be returned.