Category: User Defined Function.
Description: Perform a clusering analysis on the selected similarity or distance matrix.
It will open a phenetic tree or 3 dimensional graph depending on the clustering method used.
Syntax: CLUSTERING(Range of the square matrix, Range containing labels of objects, Clustering method, [Section of matrix to use], [Title of analysis])
The CLUSTERING function syntax has the following arguments:
Range of the square matrix: Required. Selected the range of the similarity/distance matrix.
Range containing labels of objects.
Clustering method. Possible parameters are:
UPGMA for Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean.
WPGMA for Weighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean
UPGMC for Centroid Unweighted Pair Group Method.
WPGMC for Centroid Weighted Pair Group Method.
NJ for Neighbor Joining.
LANCE for Lance & Williams flexible clustering.
COMPLETE for Complete linkage.
SINGLE for Single linkage.
MDS for Multiple Dimensional Scaling.
Section of matrix to use: Optional. Possible parameters:
BOTH, (default value) will calculate the average between the upper and lower sections of the matrix.
UPPER, only the upper section will be used (above the diagonal).
LOWER, only the lower section will be used (below the diagonal).
Title of analysis: Optional.